The difference between a latch and deadbolt lock!

The difference between a latch and Deadbolt lock!

The security of your home or business should be a primary concern when installing a lock. But there are several types of locks for home and business. Deadbolt locks and latch locks are some of the common locks that you can install in your home.

A deadbolt is even more secure than any other lock. They are difficult to break, pick, and cannot be jimmied with a knife or any other object. Without the right key, you cannot open the lock.

The knob of the deadbolt cannot also be bored or battered. However, they could be opened by bumping. As such, you will have to choose a bump-resistant deadbolt lock.

Door-latch locks, on the other hand, are widely used. However, the bar latch locks are used as secondary locks to complement the security of the primary latch. Depending on your home security needs, you should be able to find the right latch lock that matches your style.

With these two lock types, you should be able to lock your home or business securely. If you are looking for deadbolt installation services in San Jose, then BDS Locksmith is your best professional.

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